Poultry vaccines Argentine
Bird Coccidiosis
COCCI PLAT 1000 (For Parrilleros)
CONSERVACIÃ N: Refrigerate 4 to 8th C. Do not freeze
CONTENT: porulated coccidia::
Eimeria Maxima,
- tenella,
- acervulina and
- brunetti.
AGE APLICACIÃ N: 1 to 3 days old
APLICACIÃ FORM N: 25ml per 100 birds.
By sprinkling on the back of chicks. For their utilization mixed with the appropriate diluent.
TERM OF VALIDITY: 6 months from the date of elaboration.
PRESENTATION N: bottle 30 ml (1000 doses)
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Pasteurellosis vaccine (cholera) and Avian Avian Colibacillosis
Made with avian strains of Pasteurella multocida type: X 73 (type 1), P -1059 (type 3) and 1662 (type 4), and Escherichia coli strains inactivated with formaldehyde and adsorbed on aluminum hidróxido.
Recommended for the prevention of avian pasteurellosis and avian cholera and colibacillosis in chickens and turkeys.
For best results, it is recommended to apply a second dose vaccination separated by no less than 21 days from the first dose.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate 4 to 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
VÃ ?? A DE APLICACIÃ N: fatty part or intramuscular
TERM OF VALIDITY: 24 months from the date of elaboration N PRESENTATION: 500ml bottle (1000 doses)
Quad – PLAT
Vaccine against Newcastle, bronchitis, drop syndrome posture and coryza.
Oily suspension inactivated vaccine indicated for the prevention of diseases: Newcastle, infectious bronchitis, postural syndrome fall and coryza in layers and breeders.
It is recommended to apply to laying hens and / or breeding between 16 and 20 weeks of age, which ensures a good level of immunity during the commissioning period.
Fraccia N NEWCASTLE: Lasota Strain
INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS Fraccia N: Cepa Massachusetts
? Fraccia N ?? Yes ?? DA ndrome CAA POSITION: Adenovirus Type 127
AVIAN CORIZA Fraccia N: autóctonas strains of Haemophilus paragallinarum (serovars A, B, C)?
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate between 4th and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
Vaccine Infectious Bird Cariza
Autóctonas contains Haemophilus paragallinarum strains (serovars A, B, C) and chemically adsorbed inactivated hidróxido aluminum. HATH indicated for the prevention of avian coryza in laying and breeding hens.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate between 4th and 8º C. Do not freeze.
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird. For good immunity, it is indispensable to apply two doses separated between 3 and 5 weeks.
VÃ ?? A DE APLICACIÃ N: fatty part on the back region of the neck or intramuscularly in the muscle of the leg or breast.
TERM OF VALIDITY: 24 months from the date of elaboration
PRESENTATION N: bottle 500 ml (1000 doses)
Inactivated vaccine against Salmonella in Chickens
Made with autóctonas strains of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella gallinarum inactive with formaldehyde and suspended in oil adjuvant.
Recommended for the prevention of salmonella in laying hens and breeders.
Its utilization not only protects vaccinated birds, but also © n decreases the possibility of salmonella passage across © s of the egg and the subsequent infection of chicks obtained from vaccinated campuses.
Ideally, birds start position having received 2 doses of this product at an interval of 3-4 weeks.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerated between 4 and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.3 ml per bird
VÃ ?? A DE APLICACIÃ N: fatty part or intramuscular
TERM OF VALIDITY: 24 months from the date of elaboration
Inactivated vaccine against avian Salmonellosis, suspended aluminum hidróxido
Made with autóctonas strains of Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella gallinarum inactive with formaldehyde and suspended in hidróxido aluminum.
Recommended for the prevention of salmonella in laying hens and breeders.
Its utilization not only protects vaccinated birds, but also © n decreases the possibility of salmonella passage across © s of the egg and the subsequent infection of chicks vaccinated obtenidosde campuses.
Ideally, birds start position having received 2 doses of this product at an interval of 3-4 weeks.
CONSERVACIÃ N: Refrigerate 4 to 8th C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. For your application is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird TERM OF VALIDITY: 24 months from the
Vaccine diseases: Newcastle, Infectious Bronchitis Syndrome Fall of Posture and Gumboro hens.
Inactivated with formaldehyde and emulsified oil.
Fraccia N NEWCASTLE: Lasota strain.
INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS Fraccia N: Cepa Massachusetts.
? Fraccia N ?? Yes ?? DA ndrome CAA POSITION: 127 Adenovirus type.
Gumboro virus Fraccia N: adapted to tissue culture.
For best results, it is necessary that the birds have been vaccinated against Newcastle disease, bronchitis
infectious and infectious disease bag (IBD).
In cuantoal syndrome fall of posture, application single proveerá à © sta vaccine protection during the productive life of the bird.
Age appropriate for the application: birds between 15 and 19 weeks, before production. It can apply to males. His bad application can cause undesired inflammation. Care is recommended when applied by either-way indicated.
CONSERVACIÃ N: Refrigerate between 4th and 8th C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. For your application is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dova ?? A DE APLICACIÃ N: fatty part in breast (middle of the neck, lifting the skin, taking care not to injure the
muscles of the region). Intramuscular Via, the right place is in the pectoral muscles on one side of the sternum.
Do not vaccinate sick birds or position. Do not use 45 days before slaughter.
Vaccine against New Castle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis and Fall of Posture Syndrome.
Made with inactivated with formaldehyde and emulsified in oil adjuvants virus. HATH indicated for laying and breeding birds. We recommend applying between 16 and 0 weeks of life, ensuring a good level of immunity during the bet.
Fraccia N NEWCASTLE: Lasota Strain
INFECTIOUS BRONCHITIS Fraccia N: Cepa Massachusetts
? Fraccia N ?? Yes ?? DA ndrome CAA POSITION: Adenovirus Type 127
CONSERVACIà N: rRefrigerar between 4th and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. For your application is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
Vaccine fall syndrome Posture
Made with a virus Posture Drop Syndrome (adenovirus type 127) inactivated with formaldehyde and emulsified in oil adjuvants. Indicated for the prevention of disease syndrome fall of posture (EDS) in layers and breeders. We recommend applying between 16 and 20 weeks of age, which ensures a good level of immunity during the period of commitment.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate between 4th and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
Fowl Typhoid Vaccine
Made with rugged patógena strain of Salmonella gallinarum strain (R9) lyophilized.
It is recommended only for laying eggs for consumption because vaccinated birds can produce specific agglutinins against Salmonella, which impedirá the diagnosis of disease aglutinación test.
For best results apply 2 doses during aging of the lot, before posture and periodically revaccinated birds with a range from 60-90 days.
Never give antibiotics and antibacterial a week before and two weeks after the vaccination. Used for the application of needles and syringes is © riles vaccine when starting the application. Change needle frequently, taking care that they possess good edge. No needles or syringes washed with disinfectants, using your esterilización and washing, only water is © ril.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate 4 to 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Mix the contents of the flask bacterial concentrate with the diluent is © ril (500 ml diluent for lyophilized cake). Shake well before use until you have achieved a perfect mixing. Stir periodically during application. Use within 4 hours of its preparation.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
Pasteurellosis vaccine (cholera) Fowl
Made with avian strains of Pasteurella multocida type: X 73 (type 1), P 1059 (Type 3) and 1662 (type 4), inactivated with formaldehyde and emulsified oils. Recommended for the prevention of avian pasteurellosis or cholera in chickens and turkeys.
For best results, you should practice a second vaccination separated by no less than 21 days from the first dose. Being a vaccine emulsified oil, it is advised to observe the election site of injection as a reaction exacerbated by poor application can result.
Should not vaccinated birds position or 45 days before slaughter.
STORAGE: Keep refrigerated between
4 and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature.
Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
Pasteurellosis vaccine (cholera) Fowl
Made with avian strains of Pasteurella multocida type: X 73 (type 1), P 1059 (Type 3) and 1662 (type 4), inactivated with formaldehyde and adsorbed on aluminum hidróxido. Recommended for the prevention of avian pasteurellosis or cholera in chickens and turkeys.
For best results, you should practice a second vaccination separated by no less than 21 days from the first dose. Carefully observe the choice of the place of injection as a reaction compounded by poor application may occur.
Should not vaccinated birds position or 45 days before slaughter.
CONSERVACIà N: Refrigerate between 4th and 8º C. Do not freeze
HOW TO USE: Shake well before using. At the time of application it is recommended that is at room temperature. Dosage: 0.5 ml per bird
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