Composition for 1 litre
Item (% purity) | Amount |
(mg/lt) | |
L-Menthol (99,8 %) | 99950 |
Eucalyptus Oil (98,9 %) | 89950 |
Anise Oil (99,9 %) | 34500 |
Glycerol polyethylene glycol ricinoleate | 509000 |
Potassium Sorbate (99,5 %) | 1000 |
Butylated hydroxytoluene (99 %) | 800 |
Glycerine | 10000 |
Propylene glycol | 10000 |
Water | Up to one liter |
Indication: Mentoral is used in conjunction with drinking water to protect respiratory system disorders
Dosage : Poultry 200ml for 1 ton of water. Use for 3-4 days.
With the purpose of spraying: mix 200 ml Mentoral with 10 lt water and use on 20.000 avian.
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